Sew Somerset artwork has arrived!

Together- mixed media art 3.9" x 3.9"

My tiny art, published in Sew Somerset Magazine has arrived and ready to fly to your art collection :)

As mini telas / pinturas que foram publicadas na Sew Somerset chegaram e estão prontas para voar para a tua coleção de arte :)

Sweet girl - 3" x 2"

Love Angel - 3" x 2 "

All of this paintings are a made with tiny pieces of vibrant stuff- Bits of fabric, ribbons and lace that waited for just the right moment , for a small, yet meaningful and beautiful artwork .

Todos estes quadros são feitos de bocadinhos de coisas maravilhosas - bocadinhos de tecido, de fitas, de rendas que esperaram atá ao momento certo, para fazer parte de uma pequena, mas bonita e cheia de sigificado peça de arte.

I pray for you!- 3" x 2"

Get yours here


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